The IELTS Bridging Course offered by TRANSCULTURE ACADEMY is not only a bridging course for basic IELTS competency, but also a learning journey that deeply integrates the characteristics of an international school and international culture. What will students learn in the IELTS classroom? What are the highlights of the program? In this issue, Ms. Chirs, who teaches the IELTS Reading and Writing courses at Mandarin House, will share with you.
泛洋文华学校教师:Chris 执教雅思阅读、写作课程
IELTS learning is not just about score improvement, but more about ability improvement. Many students are at a loss as to what to study for IELTS, what to study for IELTS? How to learn? These doubts will be answered in my classroom. In IELTS boutique bridging class, you will learn the official IELTS test standards and test ideas, learn the necessary basic skills and test-taking techniques, through different forms of practice to get the ability to improve the real use of English. We believe that through the IELTS short-term bridging course, students will have a new understanding of the IELTS exam and have confidence in learning IELTS in the future!
雅思阅读课程亮点 IELTS Reading Course Highlights
1. 紧扣雅思各个科目考点详细梳理解析
1. detailed analysis of IELTS test points in each subject.
2. 全面剖析题型,基础进阶循序渐进
2. Comprehensively analyze the question types and progress step by step.
3. 最新真题精讲精练,紧扣雅思命题前沿
3. The latest real-life questions are taught and practiced, keeping in line with the forefront of IELTS propositions.
4. 应试技巧与实际运用结合,综合提升解题能力
4. Combination of test-taking skills and practical application to comprehensively improve problem-solving ability.
5. 课前对学生能力充分了解,课堂中针对性引导
5. Before the class, we fully understand students' abilities and provide targeted guidance in the classroom.
6. 多样化的作业形式,个性化辅导、精细化批改
6. Diversified forms of homework, personalized tutoring and fine correction.
精彩呈现Wonderful Presentation
判断正误True, False, Not Given
令同学既爱又恨的判断正误题,是想要突破6分同学的必争题型。看似简单的题型却暗藏思维逻辑的转换,而大多数同学的中文判断正误的思路,导致搞混False和Not Given的区别,课程会剖析具体的概念以及用具体题型来验证。
例如Test 1 Passage 3 Artificial artists的半句匹配题当中的已知答案就是按顺序在原文出现的。这个题型是在单选题和填空题的中间出现的,因此这个时候可以用平行做题的方法,无需在定位上花费太多时间,在做Matching题的时候同时可以做其他的题目。
After reading Mr. Chris's introduction to the IELTS reading classroom, I believe that students are already eager for the IELTS course If you have more you want to know about TCA IELTS Boutique Bridging Course, please feel free to contact us!